Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Iranian Cinema

Olympic Park in Tehran
Iranian Opposition rally in Tehran following the 2009 election disputes

The Iranian cinema "new wave movement" led by acclaimed filmmaker Jafar Panahi evokes themes that illustrate social frustrations within Iranian society. Panahi focuses on women's rights, but his work has come to represent the current opposition movement. Iranian blogs number in the hundreds of thousands, and have become the main instrument by which the opposition movement communicates domestically and internationally, as the nature of this media is difficult to censor. Yet, while blogs link the opposition movement, Panahi's films represent the movements motives.

Panahi taking home the hardware at the Berlin Film Festival

His films convey social realism, illustrating the plight the Iranian people, and subtly (or not so subtly) portraying the injustices perpetrated by the Supreme Leader. Panahi, is known for his gritty, socially critical movies such as "The Circle," which bagged the 2000 Venice Golden Lion award, "Crimson Gold" and "Offside," winner of the 2006 Silver Bear at the Berlin film festival. (AFP)

Link to Offside Trailer (really good movie): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jqOZ1yxwQQ4

Panahi's popularity runs parallel to the rising tides of discontent within Iran, and have increasingly become a perceived threat to the governments authority. In February, Panahi, an outspoken opposition figure, was arrested along with other opposition artists. Although the reason for his detainment was initially unclear, in April, a government spokesperson disclosed that his arrest was a result of an anti-government film he was making. While this violates the current censorship laws, Iranians close to Panahi have claimed the film in question was merely an idea. (AFP)

Recently Hollywood film makers such as Steven Spielberg and Robert Deniro signed a letter to the Iranian authorities asking for Panahi's release, citing their solidarity with a fellow filmmaker. In some ways, Panahi's arrest has worked against the authorities as he has become somewhat of a global martyr, providing solidarity to the opposition movement. (BBC)


"Panahi Arrested for Making Anti-regime Film: Minister Says". May 14, 2010. AFP. found on Google news at: http://www.google.com/hostednews/afp/article/ALeqM5hgegozlEasjeFkmeza6Lm8o5VmGg

"Hollywood Film Makers Urge Iran to Release Jafar Panahi". May 2, 2010. BBC News Entertainment online at: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/entertainment/8656881.stm

all images found on Bing.com

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